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JSPWiki v2.2.28
Wiki Name

WikiNames are traditionally written using InterCapping, so that making hyperlinks is really easy. However, in this WikiWiki the links are written only using the [link] notation, as the original InterCapping style of linking is, IMHO, slightly confusing. The names still conform to the WikiWiki standard, if you look at the URL at the top. Names are crushed, i.e. [This is a link] becomes [ThisIsALink]. However, underscores and dots are retained, so you can have a link like this: [This_is_a_link], or [This.Is.A.Link].

letzte Änderung 21-May-2007 21:11:31 CEST von unknown.

Earthdawn (R) ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der FASA Corporation. Barsaive (TM) ist ein Warenzeichen der FASA Corporation. Copyright (c) 2015 by FASA Corporation. Copyright der deutschen Ausgabe (c) 2015 by Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. Diese Webseite unterliegt keiner Abnahme oder Genehmigung durch Ulisses Spiele oder FASA.